Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Spring 2017 Week 3

This week, I worked more on the pathing code. Last week, I was able to get the code to switch the servo based on an array, but the code was very simple and all it did was get the servo to switch based on an array that it was assigned. Therefore, the code was not sufficient enough for pathing because it would simply switch the servo back and forth regardless of whether or not the hall effect sensor detects a magnet. Fortunately, I was able to make significant progress with the code this week. The code is now capable of taking any array or path and switch the servos based on whether or not the hall effect sensor detects a magnet.

As such, the next thing to worry about is getting this piece of code to work with all the other functioning code. Although I am positive that there will be some complications when trying to integrate the pathing code, I hope it is minimal.

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